buyers guide

Cost Accounting and Decision Support Software

We’re sharing a comparison of leading platforms to help guide you and your organization through the research process.

In this buyer’s guide, you will learn about the new decision support and cost accounting market segments that have emerged to provide better analysis of clinical, quality and financial data to hospitals and health systems. You’ll discover how these tools can help providers use information to better understand and manage the cost of care. Find out how a more advanced decision support and cost accounting platform can benefit your teams and your organization.

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The Comprehensive Guide to Decision Support and Cost Accounting Platforms:

In this buyer’s guide, we will summarize the current state of the cost accounting and decision support market, including a deep dive into key criteria to consider, leading vendors, capabilities and shortcomings of popular tools. We’ve even included a list of top questions to help you define what success could look like for your organization and to guide your selection process. We hope this buyer’s guide will help you through the necessary research and your cost accounting and decision support software selection process.

Four Types of Cost Accounting and Decision Support Solutions

  • Single-point, cloud-based platforms
  • Bolt-on, cloud-based platforms
  • Legacy on-premise applications
  • Cost accounting (not decision support) functionality within preexisting ERP software

Choosing the Right Cost Accounting and Decision Support Solution

  • 11 Things to Consider During the Selection Process
  • 10 Questions to Ask About Your Vendor
  • 9 Ways to Define Success with a Solution
  • 5 Ways to Spot the Right Choice for Your Organization