Bundled Payments

On January 9, 2018, CMS announced the launch of a new bundled payment model called Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced), setting a deadline of March 12th for organizations to opt-in to the voluntary bundle model.  This provides a significant opportunity for your organization to improve financial performance by increasing the focus on improving quality and reducing costs. Under this bundled payment model, participants can earn additional payment if all costs for a beneficiary’s episode of care are under a spending target and achieve quality standards.

BPCI Advanced Participants may receive payments on 32 different clinical episodes, such as major joint replacement of the lower extremity (inpatient) and percutaneous coronary intervention (inpatient or outpatient). An episode model such as BPCI Advanced supports healthcare providers who invest in practice innovation and care redesign to improve quality and reduce cost.

Is this the RIGHT move for your health system?

Good news! You already have accurate cost data within StrataJazz® Decision Support and a trusted partner with our data, process, and change management experts who can help analyze the data and determine the right next step for your organization.

In a matter of hours, Episode Analytics can be activated within StrataJazz and allow you to identify which bundles to participate in by showing variation in care, cost and margin among the patient population that bundles apply to. Additionally, using our algorithm-driven Continuous Improvement module, we’ll show you what specific actions to take to reduce care variation, improve quality and reduce cost. Our team will provide recommendations on which bundles make sense for your organization and a road map to ensure ongoing success.

Our team will provide recommendations on which bundles make sense for your organization and a roadmap to ensure ongoing success.

Reach out to us now to discuss how our team can help and watch a recording of our team talking about BPCI Advanced.

Talk to Our In-House Experts to Help You Make the Decision
Fill out the form below and our team will help you assess if this is the RIGHT move for your organization.

The James Cancer Center at the Ohio State University Wenxer Medical Center Talks Bundled Payments and How Episode Analytics Helped:
