Strata’s AxiomTM Treasury Cash Management helps healthcare leaders strategically optimize debt structure, fund growth, and manage liquidity with more efficient and accurate daily cash monitoring. It helps treasury operations teams properly size and manage cash reserves, automate payment and data infrastructure, manage commercial banking relationships, and monitor tension points to lower costs and ensure access to capital and credit. 


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Features and Functionality


Monitor daily cash on hand and liquidity in multiple accounts 


Assess rates and fees across multiple institutions 


Track variance in volume-based pricing from a single location 


Forecast using daily debits, credits, and dispersions directly from banks 



Adjust values to project the impacts of various scenarios 



View sensitivity analysis and lag analysis across various periods 


Consolidate accounts payable and treasury payments into a single view 

Partner with trusted experts

Strata’s Advisory Services team partners with organizations looking to understand and improve the relationship between their tools, data, people, and processes. 

  • Assess current state 

  • Design software-enabled processes​ 

  • Optimize process improvement workflows 

Learn more about Advisory Services